Monday, September 29, 2008

I'm a Master at Something!

This little piece of expensive paper came in the mail today! 

Sent from my iPhone.


JH said...

Way to go -- however despite your master status you still are expected to put the dishes in the dishwasher - not in the sink.

Anonymous said...

Bruce I believe that your little piece of paper allows you to put the dishes anywhere you want.

oh by the way I am really missing the 7.11

some how listening to Miley/Nina/ and R. Kelly/Fergie isn't the same without all of you guys.
FB is going alright 4-1 ; i have ran a few times but I have a new ipod and the nike+ so once fb is over I plann on eating some timbits with robert and apryl and working out like crazy

you guys are only one week away form chic. marathon right?? hope the training is going..... well.. good.

take care

Anonymous said...

what??? I didn't get mine.!!!


Anonymous said...

That's just letting you know that you're the Master of your own Domain.

Beach Bum said...

Robert didn't get his either!?!?!?