Wednesday, August 30, 2006
There's a Nip in the Air
Monday, August 28, 2006
"Crim de la Crim"
I like to run, I just have a hard time getting in to that mental frame of mind I need to be in. I easily distract myself with thoughts of the other things I need to accomplish during the next hour, day, week and year. I'm hoping to work on this problem.
Anyway, Jennie convinced me that I needed to sign up for the Crim this year. The Crim is a festival or races held every August in Flint, MI. I agreed to do the 5K. My goal was to break 30 minutes, which I am happy to report I did! My time this year was 29:48--a goal to beat for the next one. Jennie did awesome...beat me by almost a minute!
Sunday, August 27, 2006
End of Summer Nearing
I'd say on a scale of 1-10, I'm at about a 7 for my Interactive Media class. I moved classes this year and I still have a lot of work to do before day 1 of class. This is my main concern.
I feel pretty good about everything else. The curriculum is coming along--since this is only year two, I've got more work to do again this year. We hired a paraprofessional to help with class. She has lab experience and will be a much needed asset to the program. My goal is to make IM the premier digital media class in the state. Then, I'll work on the country.
I'm thinking about putting in a proposal to speak at MACUL this year on how to start a successful digital media program. We'll see!
Thursday, August 24, 2006
A "SAAB" Story
About a month ago, it became obvious that it would not be long before our two-car family once again became a three-car family. We have a lease car. When we leased it, Jennie was only driving a few miles each way to work. Then, we moved and I was only driving a few miles to work. At least that was true for one of my 'works.' Last winter I picked up some classes in Port Huron which made it necessary for me to take that 90 mile round-trip route three days a week. Add that to an already busy freelance schedule at WDIV (140 miles RT) and I was racking up the miles on the Pacifica.
In the past, we always had three cars for this reason (my inability to only work at one job!) But, we sold our 2000 Neon last spring, assuming we would not need it anymore.
As I scoured ebay, I missed out on some killer deals! So, when I saw this 95 Saab 900se turbo convertible for a great price I jumped on it. I contacted the buyer on a Tuesday and was on a plane that Thursday headed for Erie, PA. I picked up the car and then headed to Cleveland to see Todd.
I got in to Cleveland about the time Todd had to go to work. No problem for me, though, since I wanted to clean up the car a bit anyway. So, after checking out the Downtown scene, I headed town the interstate until I happened upon a shopping Mecca (very nice, except that the backdrop was a garbage dump!) Spent some time there, ate at Chipotle and headed to see Todd at work.
By this time, I had been up for a looonnng time and was starting to feel it. After the tour, I helped Todd produce the 11pm newscast--not really. I did tour the station and chat with a few of his co-workers. Afterwards, we stopped off at an Irish Pub and then headed to his apartment.
I had a good time visiting with Todd, but I had to get back as Jennie's parents were coming to town to run the Crim. So I headed back late Friday morning, stopping only for gas...and traffic jams.
Its 8AM And i am in philadelphia. So what is for breakfast?
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Thursday, August 17, 2006
A.M. Blues
After a full day at Cedar Point, here I am at WDIV to direct the morning newscast. I'm on about 1.5 hours of sleep, which is typical. Wish me luck!
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Battling the Lines
All in all, Cedar Point was a great day. I'd say that attendance was medium. I've seen lighter, but considering school is still out for most students, we didn't have to stand in many lines over an hour. Erik and I had a great day at the park...nice weather!
Erik vs Power Tower
Taken from the Iron Dragon line, Erik looking serious about his coaster addiction...
Here we are getting ready to take on Cedar Point. Erik and I try to make it to Sandusky, Ohio at least once a year. Our first stop is the Raptor (background), but if the line is long, we will move along to the back of the park and work our way back to Raptor.
Here We Go - Cedar Point - August 2006
Ah, the roller coaster Mecca of the midwest...Cedar Point. You're looking at the back of Erik. This is our umpteenth trip to Cedar Point, something we do at least once a year. Today, it's just us boys. His wife is pregnant and roller coasters are sort of discouraged. My wife is simply too good to be seen with us bozos! :)
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
SC4 New College Center
Here is a shot of the recent construction being done on the St. Clair County Community College College Center building. Taken the evening of the adjunct faculty dinner.
Monday, August 14, 2006
Shakira - Hips Dont Lie spoof
My brothers spanish final. Which just happens to be a hilarious, yet disturbing, Shakira spoof. Shakira - Ryan Gangsters - Sal, Matt Directed/Filmed/Edited - Tom Go to the official shakira spoof homepage at |
Who says ice cream isn't good dinner? It's got dairy, carbs, spoons... I say its the perfect dinner!
Friday, August 11, 2006
Thursday, August 10, 2006
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
Pottery Barn Loot
We had a full car after our $1.97 suprise shopping spree. Got about $800 worth of stuff for $35!
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
My new favorite tradition
Here are Jennie and my tickets for the 53rd Annual Manchester Chicken Broil.
Hanging with the AV Crew at the Island House.
Mackinac Island, MI.
Learned how to play Left Right Center.